Look Into the Eyes of Children
Mekelle City, Tigray, Ethiopia
Announcing: The 434th International City of Peace
From Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 to Civil War a year later. It is hard to imagine that around 100,000 human souls perished in the 2020-22 civil war in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia. The hope lies not in Prizes but in the children’s hopes. “My name is Gebreegziabher Tadele from Mekelle City, Tigray, Ethiopia. I am a journalist at Tigray Television… I’ve taken international peace building trainings from the Institute of Economics and Peace and from United States Institute of Peace, Amnesty International, and the European Union International Partnership Academy.” Tadele has established Mekelle as the 434th International City of Peace. These are the children of Tigray learning about hope. The world needs to learn the same lesson, and International Cities of Peace is bringing a groundswell of new souls committed to peace.